17 February 2021 |
Vasse Felix
Vintage 2021 Photo Essay | Chardonnay Harvest

The 2021 Chardonnay harvest began last week with the team handpicking in our Gnarawary Blocks at the Boodjidup Vineyard, just south of Margaret River town.
Harvest has continued in all four of our Margaret River vineyards, including our Home Vineyard (pictured below) while in the Winery the team carefully press and transfer the beautifully crisp, ripe Chardonnay to French oak for wild fermentation.
This is a particularly exciting vintage for us as it is the first harvest where two of our vineyards, Adams Road and Karridale, are officially certified organic! The remainder of our Vineyard collection, Home Vineyard and Boodjidup Vineyard, is completing the ‘in conversion’ period, with official certification expected very soon.

Follow us on Instagram for more, @vassefelixwines.