13 September 2023 |
Vasse Felix
Margaret River 2023 Vintage Chardonnay Tasting

Last Friday, vignerons and winemakers from across Margaret River assembled in the Vasse Felix Art Gallery to explore the world of Margaret River Chardonnay, tasting unfinished barrel samples from the 2023 vintage, generously contributed by producers throughout the region.
Over 100 samples were contributed by 44 Margaret River producers for this insightful annual tasting. We were thrilled to see the largest turnout of viticulturists at this event to date, providing an interesting point of view considering the challenges of growing great Chardonnay.
Discussions on the 2023 vintage were led by Luke Jolliffe, Chief Winemaker at Stella Bella and Steve Kirby, Group Vineyard Manager at Howard Park, who both commented on the strength of the 2023 samples, despite unusual weather conditions.
Wallcliffe samples were a particular standout of the tasting, with their characteristic 'al-dente' ripeness and incredible power and acid line.
Follow @vassefelixwines for more snaps from this collaborative Regional event.

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